First Homemade Postcards

Posted by admin on Jan 11, 2010 in Musings

The weekend just flew by and I didn’t get to all the house chores I’d put on my To Do list. It was much more fun to try to make postcards. I’d had these Avery postcard blanks for some time and finally got a new color cart for the printer, so I figured I’d do a quick trial. No such thing. I finally found a download template that worked with the paper, but they didn’t print to all the edges. The paper is really flimsy too, much thinner than cardstock. So I glued the “postcard” to a larger size of cardstock (scraps that were nearby) and played around with brush pens, glitter glue, and fountain pen to frame the photo. Although the printer left streaks and it came out kind of hazy, I like the look. My model is my cat, Shadow – a handsome guy. He works for food. I have much to learn about making postcards, but this was a fun unplanned start.

a first try at making postcards



Cat postcards

Posted by admin on Dec 13, 2009 in Musings

Here is an old and new cat postcard sent by penpal Julie at Whatever. I am a cat person and my cat, Shadow, has been keeping me warm while I get over a sinus infection. My brain is addled, so if I manage to post these photos it will be a miracle.  Here’s the postcard kitties – click to see full size image:

             where sleeping cats lie                   cat yoga

Well, I won’t be doing Halasana but maybe Shadow will give it a try. His favorite yoga move is the Gargoyle. He tips his whole body sideways, flattens his ears and dilates pupils to full screen, and spreads his toes – digging in because he literally is sideways in this pose. It’s short-lived though, he usually falls off the sofa after a few seconds of sideways levitation. One day I will capture this on the camera. Usually the Gargoyle pose precedes a game of chase around the coffee table … all of which ends up with a game of laser tag or else he bites ankles, steps on keyboard, or swats and my hand and anything else on the desk.

Coming Soon … I have received a Journal21 from Karen of Exaclair at Quo Vadis blog and plan to review that next. The creeping crud sort of ate up my weekend, so I didn’t get around to doing it today. Don’t want germs on that lovely paper!


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